Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Cause I gotta sweet tooth that'll never come loose"

Finally the day has arrived. My favorite bakery in Boston, and former work place, has published a cook book!!! Flour Bakery's owner Joanne Chang has given the public a gift in a book filled with many delicious recipes. It's so fun baking from it, tasting the treats that I have sold to so many happy customers.

Last night my cousins had a house warming party, and I brought over some Coconut Macaroons. Not many people like coconut, or at least not many people I know. My roommate who doesn't like coconut had two of these treats and said they were great, coconut and all. I made them using just my arm as a mixer. And they turned out beautifully large and delicious.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Almost two years later...unbelievable. So much has changed. Yet my passion for baking and writing and reading have remained with me. The other day I clicked on the link for my blog and reread some of my entires. I looked at some of the pictures, and miss baking. Im in Chicago now. Just moved into a new apartment with an old friend. Lately I have been thinking too much. About the uncertainty of the future. About life, love, and happiness, the usual. I went to the library and checked out some books. Get my mind right. To stop worrying about things that I have no control over, and just let it be. Because it will be ok. Baking has always been something I can do that takes my attention away from thinking too much.

I found this recipe for homemade Oreos. Im not a huge Oreo fan. I mean, if they are there I will dunk them in milk and utterly enjoy, but Im not the type to pick some up at the grocery store. Anyways, I found this recipe for them on a different blog as I was wandering around the internet. I think my cookie parts were a little thick and I laid the cream on pretty heavy. Bright side is I was concerned about making them without the aid of a mixer, but everything was doable by hand. Figured people have been making cookies for years, and I am sure there was a time when the Kitchen Aid wasn't invented. :) Feels GREAT to be back.