Sunday, March 16, 2008


I don't find myself to commit to much lately. I buy running shoes and don't run or think of some brilliant idea and then it just slowly lingers into a small thought. I can gladly admit that this blog has been a constant in my life. Which is how I know that baking is here to stay. I never get sick of it or forget about it. There is so much to read about and great people to learn from. Speaking of which the blog that started this all for me is Tartlette. I don't remember how, I was probably looking for a tartlette recipe and found her on google. Her beautiful blog is home to some beautiful macaroons. Being used to coconut macaroons I finally found the time to make the French ones. They were easier than I imagined but I don't think I got it quite right. I also made some trusty brownies...can't really mess a brownie up it's chocolate either way. The recipe was from Baking with Julia and those brownies were delicious. So dense and!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


So I got these blueberries on sale from my local Ranch Market. Originally their purpose was a nice chilled high fiber snack for myself. But as I laid in bed tonight, that thing cam on again. You know, you get to thinking about the practice you need or a treat you had that was delicious, and the over-whelming urge to recreate hits you. Or at least me. Blueberry Muffins. Honestly I am not a big fan. Too commercial, yet so are donuts ;) Maybe the blueberries trick my mind into thinking that the muffins are too healthy to be bad. Although we all know this is not the case. Tart. Blueberries are tart, and when I want sweet, I want SWEET. Lemon curd being a total exception. My resource was the Joy of Baking website. Blueberry Struesal Muffins. They turned out like the picture, beautifully, but they weren't sweet enough if you ask me and my brotha. Moral of the story...just because you look good on the outside...doesn't mean you are good. You may be okay...but not necessarily delicious.